FRS Internal Strength Model®
(Must be FRC® Certified prior, FRA® strongly suggested)
During our two-day intensive practical, the FRS team will lay out and demonstrate the complete Internal Strength Training Model.
This includes training in the application of the seven Internal Strength Input Cycles; each intended to create tissue-specific adaptations. In addition, participants will learn how to simultaneously program both internal inputs to cultivate capacity in biological tissues, along with traditional external displays of functional, specific strength.

Since its inception, Functional Range Systems has challenged the status quo by offering logical reinterpretations of the scientific literature regarding human optimization. Join the FRS team as we turn our lens to the development and practice of training for strength and once again offer a complete reinterpretation of its meaning, goals, and execution.
“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.”
Albert Einstein
UPCOMING FRS Internal Strength Model® SEMINARS
Event | Venue | Date | |
FRS Internal Strength Model® Certification Seminar (San Diego, CA) - LIVE SEMINAR | Symbiotic Training | Jun 21, 2025 | Register |
In advance of the live seminar, attendees will have access to the following lectures:
Prologue: The Origins of Human Movement by Means of Natural Selection, Dr. Andreo A. Spina
Before specifically examining the topic of strength development, this lecture sets the context by offering a complete examination of the evolutionary biological processes that lead the development of coordinated human movement. Concepts from this lecture are called upon throughout the rest of the seminar as we re-examine the manipulatable variables that can influence movement and ultimately, force output through movement.
Introduction: The FRS Internal Strength Model, Dr. Andreo A. Spina
Taking a human-centred approach, the FRS Internal Strength Model considers these 4 truths of human movement:
- All movements are created internally.
- All movements are executed internally.
- Internal constraints are always the first to overcome.
- External displays of movement are an expression of internal function.
Since its inception, strength training has prioritized external goals as the main determinant of success. Displays of strength, speed, and agility have been emphasized often at the expense of the internal system (the athlete) performing said displays. The result has created a history of impressive performance feats, occurring on a backdrop of increasing rates of sports injuries.
In this introduction, Dr. Spina re-examines the literature regarding strength science and in so doing provides a reinterpretation of scientific data, a change in perspective so to speak, that allows us to re-focus training inputs making them more suited to specifically cultivate the needed strength adaptations in the client/patient.
When viewed for what it is, an emergent biological phenomenon, the goals of strength training quickly change from strength displays, to a means of eliciting specific tissue adaptations that can then be synthesized by the nervous system to solve a specific problem or task requiring the generation and discharge of force.
The Evolution of Strength and Strength Training, John Quint
How did strength training come to be? Why do we recognize particular movements as strength exercises to the exclusion of others? What was the intent behind the creation of the ‘named’ exercises that we select from to develop programs?
Diving in the history of strength development, we examine the state of the scientific literature at the time that strength training was first being developed. What is discovered is that many of the ‘named’ exercises still in use today were created at a time when we knew very little about muscle physiology. Considering new scientific developments regarding how muscles function, how force generation and discharge occur, and how the biological determinants of strength are controlled by our neurology allow us to re-focus our goals, and execution of strength programming.
Strength – An Emergent Biological Phenomenon, John Quint
Strength emerges when the biological elements, and the neurological mechanisms are synthesized to solve a specific problem or task which requires the generation and discharge of force.
From an external training perspective, as the goal is the external display of strength, the specific biological consequences of inputs are often ignored.
Taking an internal perspective, we identify all of the specific biological elements that have been shown to be influenced with precise strength inputs. Making the cultivation of these elements our main goal, we are able to cultivate an interior environment that is not only suited to specific tasks, but that can deal with the variability of human performance.
Strength Training and The Endocrine Response, Dr. John Saratsiotis
In this lecture we review the current scientific literature identifying training intensity, not exercise selection, as the main driver of biological adaptation. With this concept in mind, we are able to refocus training inputs to cultivate stronger and more robust internal environments to meet the challenges of external demands.
Biofeedback Mechanisms in Strength Training, Dr. John Saratsiotis
Manual Biofeedback has been a topic of focus since the inception of the Functional Range Systems in order to improve the specificity of inputs. In this lecture, Dr. Saratsiotis review the literature surrounding this under-utilized too. Specifically he examines its place in directing tissue specific strength training inputs.
The Scientific Framework of the Internal Strength Model, Dr. Michael D. Chivers
With no intention of reinventing the wheel regarding strength training and development, in this lecture we set out an updated scientific framework to improve our understanding as to how to program for specific biological results.
Training Intensity: Maxims, Ecology, and Efficiency, John Quint
In external strength training, traditional markers of intensity are used to elicit specific outcomes (reps, sets, successful lift completion, etc.). Whereas in the internal training realm, such traditional markers become unusable.
In this lecture, we describe how to specifically set internal training intensity to elicit specific biological outcomes. Also described is how the combination of internal & external training is required to maintain a balanced ecological internal environment.
FRS Principles of Strength, Dr. Andreo A. Spina
In this lecture Dr. Spina argues that in the case of strength training, the theory (accumulation of scientific literature) does very little to explain the actual practice (exercise selection, sequencing of exercises, etc). While the theory provides results from tests of muscular output, tendon strength, protein production, and the like, it speaks very little on the topics of exercise selection, sequencing of exercises, tissue specific loading limits, etc., leaving the practitioners to attempt to fill in the gaps.
Using an internal perspective, the FRS Principles of Strength allow us to reframe, reinterpret, and re-organize training inputs such that they support movement creation.
By the end of the seminar, the participant will have a specific framework on which to create tissue specific, internal training programs that can run concurrently with the traditional external training paradigm.
Upon successful completion of a seminar and our online competency exam, the participant will be offered a certification by Functional Anatomy Seminars. This certification will allow the participant to announce themselves as a certified Functional Range Strength Coach® or FRSC® certified for the purposes of advertising. They will also be included on our websites ‘Find a Provider’ network.
Dr Spina will knock you out of your comfort zone… it’s time to meet this Master.
Riesal Mikael Id
Dr. Spina and his team are hands down some of the best in the field. True professionals teaching from their hearts. Can’t wait to take all the courses!
Matthew Meyer
Utterly Mind blowing- the best workshop I’ve attended all year, by far.
Mike Spiegel
Frequently Asked Questions