Functional Range Release technique, or FR® Release is an advanced, and comprehensive system of soft tissue assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation used by some of the most highly regarded manual therapists around the world.

One of the most important factors separating FR® certifications from other manual seminars is its focus on communicating the scientific basis behind the techniques.  A large component of the certification seminars is dedicated to teaching/introducing the participant to the supporting literature so that they can make sound clinical decisions and provide the best manual treatments available.




Divided by body region into 3 parts (Upper Limb, Lower Limb, and Spine), Functional Range Release® certification seminars consist of 3 days of in-class, hands on training, along with mandatory online lecture material outlining the scientific basis for the system.

Each certification takes participants through all of the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitative techniques inherent to the system for each body region. This includes training in:

  • Functional Anatomic Palpation (F.A.P.™)
  • Tissue Tension Technique™
  • FR® Release Treatment Application
  • Progressive & Regressive Angular Isometric Loading (PAILs/RAILs)

Upon successful completion you will receive:

  • Certification as an FR® Release practitioner
    (for the anatomical region completed)
  • A listing on our world-wide find-a provider referral network
  • Exclusive access to our online members area
  • Rights to use the FR® logo 1

“We feel that the better one understands the basis, the better they will be at its application.”
– Dr. Andreo Spina


FR® Release is an advanced and comprehensive system of musculoskeletal assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. One of the most important factors separating FR® certifications from other manual therapy seminars is its focus on communicating the scientific basis behind the techniques to produce LASTING soft tissue changes in your clients and patients.

Divided by body region into 3 parts (Upper Limb, Lower Limb, and Spine), Functional Range Release® certification seminars consist of 2 days of hands on training, along with mandatory online lecture material outlining the scientific basis for the system. Each certification takes participants through all of the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitative techniques inherent to the system for each body region.

Event Venue Date
FR® Upper Limb Certification (Worldwide) - ONLINE SEMINAR ONLINE SEMINAR Apr 5, 2025 Register
Non-Therapist FR® Upper Limb Certification (Worldwide) - ONLINE SEMINAR ONLINE SEMINAR Apr 5, 2025 Register
FR® Lower Limb Certification (Worldwide) - ONLINE SEMINAR ONLINE SEMINAR May 31, 2025 Register
Non-Therapist FR® Lower Limb Certification (Worldwide) - ONLINE SEMINAR ONLINE SEMINAR May 31, 2025 Register
FR® Spine Certification (Paris, FR) - LIVE SEMINAR Kpten Training Jun 28, 2025 Register
Non-Therapist FR® Spine (Paris, FR) - LIVE SEMINAR Kpten Training Jun 28, 2025 Register

FR® Online Seminars

Our online format includes 2 days live with our FR Master Instructors with additional pre-recorded lectures and educational material provided before the seminar to allow for a practical-focused two days. The live, online seminar will include detailed review of Functional Palpation® and Functional Range Release® techniques with drills, practical break-out sessions and live individual feedback from our Master Instructors to ensure you feel competent in applying FR® in your practice. It is strongly recommended to have a partner to practice on during the online seminar. Through your member’s portal, you will have access to detailed video demonstrations of FP® and FR® to allow you to hone your skill well after the seminar.

Although we will not physically be in the room together, please know that the level of education we will be providing and the supporting materials and live-support you will receive will make for an equally impressive experience from the comfort of your own home or clinic.

Seminar topics include:

  • How FR® Release is a component of Functional Range Systems – A system of joint health optimization and MSK health management.
  • Understanding REAL outcome measures which we can change with FR® Release techniques
  • Assessment using FUNCTIONAL PALPATION SYSTEMS® including a full anatomy review of the region.
  • Practice the skill of soft tissue palpation and structure identification to increase the accuracy of assessment and success of treatment.
  • BioFlow Anatomy – Learn about the extent of continuity found in human tissue at a cellular, sub cellular, and molecular level, and how this new model has revolutionized assessment and intervention of musculoskeletal conditions.
  • How the application of passive and active force alters connective tissue structure.
  • A review of the scientific literature which led to the development of the FR Release® soft tissue management system.
  • What differentiates FR® from other soft tissue management systems and why it is at the forefront of manual medicine. Time & intent of soft tissue application and how this is different than any other soft tissue management system to date.
  • The Layering Technique to improve assessment and treatment specificity.
  • Epimysial Grooves and their significance in FP® and FR®
  • Understanding intervention selection based on specific outcome measures identified in FR® Soft tissue assessment
  • Understanding when specific interventions are warranted and the progression from “treatment” into “training”

Upon successful completion of a seminar and our online competency exam, the participant will be offered a certification by Functional Anatomy Seminars. This certification will allow the participant to announce themselves as FR® or FRC® (depending on the seminar taken) certified for the purposes of advertising. They will also be included on our websites ‘Find a Provider’ network.

To be eligible to receive an FR certification and be listed in our Find-A-Provider section under FR®, you must be a licensed manual therapist. This may include chiropractors, physiotherapists, registered message therapist and osteopaths. This is dependent on your location of practice and governing bodies. It is up to you to understand what is within your scope of practice.


Dr Spina will knock you out of your comfort zone… it’s time to meet this Master.
Riesal Mikael Id

 Dr. Spina and his team are hands down some of the best in the field. True professionals teaching from their hearts. Can’t wait to take all the courses!
Matthew Meyer

 Utterly Mind blowing- the best workshop I’ve attended all year, by far.
Mike Spiegel


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Click Find a Provider and enter your location. Specify which certification you’re looking for on the drop-down menu.
    Functional Range Release® and Functional Range Conditioning® are on a continuum. The FR seminar covers soft tissue assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation and is geared towards manual therapists. The FRC system continues on these principles covering rehabilitation, body control, and mobility training – this seminar is geared towards both manual therapists as well as trainers. The FR seminar is medically/clinically focused; FRC is more training/rehab focused. If you are a trainer, you would likely gain more benefit from the FRC seminar.
    • FRC® and Kinstretch® Seminars are $999 USD
    • FRA® and FR® Seminars are $1200 USD

    Feel better today!

    FR® For Patients

    Learn more about FR® Principles



    1 Functional Range Release® is a patented and trademarked system of soft-tissue assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. Upon successful completion of a seminar, you will receive a certificate of completion for the corresponding anatomical region (Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Spine). You will also be able to advertise yourself as being certified in Functional Range Release® practitioner for the anatomical region completed, and will receive the legal right to utilize the logo, with restrictions as outlined in the following.